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cleric • soul seer • princely

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"my people are everything, but they are not forsaken."

In the middle of a great blizzard that battered the Skatay Mountain range, Refr Copihwesfv was the last child to be born of his family. The territory and kingdom of Dragsúgur is one of many Veena settlements in the mountains, but it is also one of the largest and most organized. Through embracing certain technologies into their beliefs, they have risen from the forest in great stone buildings--tall, sharp spires that jut out from the icy rock and snow, high above the treetops where their ancestors dwelled many cycles ago. With the security of their halls and the blessings of their mix of magick with technology, they live in comfort and contentment despite the harshness of nature around them. While Dragasugur is isolated from the greater world, they did once do trade with Dalmasca and Rabanastre before its destruction by the Garlean Empire. By the grace of Anda (Spirit) and knowledge, they remained off the Imperial radar throughout the war in Othard.Refr's history is, to him, rather simple. He is the youngest child of four and his siblings are all much older than him. They were already grown and on the council with their parents, making important decisions by the time Refr could read and write. Privileged not only by his people's achievements but also by his bloodline, Refr never had to want for much during his early cycles. He was able to study magick and combat, as well as gain a fairly good education in sciences of the body and mind. From an early age, Refr was a helper, always looking out for those in need. When his healing magicks were practiced enough, he'd spend a lot of time curing the ailments of the elders of his clan, as well as learning midwifery to deliver new children into the kingdom. Refr came to be known as one of the warmest, most compassionate members of his family (despite being the youngest) and is favoured by many of his people as a "hero" of sorts. Refr, being a sensitive soul, took this moniker to heart and strives to always do what is best for others. The whole of Dragsugur. At the age of twenty-six, he was one of the youngest to receive a seat on the council since its creation: the seat of Ansuz.Knowing all this now, what could have led Refr to leave all that behind, you ask? To travel the realm, far and wide, gaining new knowledge and experiences away from the people he loves so dearly? Well, that can only be answered by him, of course.

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"well met and fair sun to you!"

namerefr copihwesfv
raceveena viera
jobcleric (PLD/WHM)

This mountain-dwelling viera's skin holds a bluish, almost iridescent tone. Pale, lavender hair falls over his ice blue eyes and barely touches his shoulders. Refr, especially when in the midst of a fight, has an ethereal aura about him. He's graceful. Body is tall with an athletic frame which has far more muscle now than when he left his home. (Traveling the world on foot will do that!) His voice is tenor and cadence is smooth and even, almost posh but not quite. His accent is similar to that of other Dalmascan viera (Icelandic) and has a calm and inviting quality.
Refr is noble and kind. He will stop to help anyone in need at any moment--even at a detriment to himself. He is easily convinced by people, whether its in earnest or an act to take advantage of him. Refr, so far, only sees the good in people even if they've hurt him. By the flip-side, if Refr has been convinced a person, group or thing is "evil" he is often determined to put an end to it. His moral compass is pure, but only in relation to those around him. This "hero" of the people could easily be turned into a tool for their destruction. Ultimately, Refr is a romantic: a good soul traveling within a chaotic world.
Combat Style.
Refr fights with both one-handed sword and staff. He is a cleric--a healer who wears chainmail beneath his clothing. This healer is not afraid to kill if necessary. While he can fend for himself on the front line or take point in a battle, he will always default to mending allies' wounds rather than dealing them to enemies. Refr uses magick and swordplay and often incorporates both at once, imbuing spells into his sword for harsh melee attacks. He also can use the staff itself as a weapon if he is without his sword.

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"perhaps you would like to hear more?"

Competent Mender.
As said in his dossier and history, Refr is a helper and healer, first and foremost. He has good understanding of all aspects of the aetheric body (corporeal, soul, memory) and how they work in tandem with one another. He can mend flesh and bone, as well as soothe some types of aetheric corruption. If Refr doesn't know how to treat something he is honest about it, but he will also dedicate time to study to learn how to help in the future.
Sucker for a Sob Story.
Being a helpful person has its pros and cons, and Refr has been led on a few wild goose chases already during his time away from Dragsugur. If a person shows a need, Refr will rise to fill it. Whatever that may be he will attempt to solve it even if the task is far beyond his knowledge or limitations. This could be a leve, a quest, finding a lost puppy, or assassinating someone. So long as the person asking lays it on thick and dramatic-like, they've got their sucker right here. A fool.
Apprentice Smithy.
With swordplay as his primary combat skill, Refr has learned how to maintain care and upkeep on his weapon of choice. He is by no means an expert blacksmith, but can repair and create basic, sturdy weapons if given proper materials. Naturally, swords are his forte, but items such as daggers, hatchets/axes, and other blunt instruments of war are definitely doable. Given his knowledge of aether and magick, he can also imbue weapons with elemental affinities, spells, and enchantments.
Soul Seer and Oracle.
While this gift cannot be entirely predicted or controlled, Refr does have the ability to see beyond the mundane. It's during these moments of clarity that he gains a wisdom that is not his own. Sometimes he does not recall this wisdom after it moves through him, so it serves other people far more than it does himself.
(Player Note: This aspect of him can be played up or played down depending on what my partners want to utilize in our stories. This is an opportunity to add in some supernatural spice that might otherwise be out of reach!)

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"i shall protect them until my final breath."

⚜️Mother & Father: Cordia Dragsugur & Daenne Huorlwesfv
As the reigning couple of Dragsugur, this inseparable pair of monarchs are Refr's treasured parents. He has an excellent relationship with them, and knows he can always speak to either one calmly and without judgment. Both are well into their 300's in terms of cycles by now and have seen the changes both within and without of their kingdom. Even if their countenance is that of purest serenity, they do possess a certain aura of sadness. Perhaps this merely accompanies wisdom or perhaps it is something more. They bear the Seats of Mannaz and Laguz, respectively.
⚔️Eldest Brother: Sjol Rawbewesfv
A stern warrior monarch, Sjol is Refr's elder by over 200 cycles. Since the birth of his youngest brother, this viera has kept a healthy distance. He bears the Seat of Tiwaz.
⚡️Eldest Sister: Yrys Dragsugur
A fierce and sharp speaker, Yrys is Refr's elder by over 175 cycles. She is watchful and cunning, always listening. She bears the Seat of Hagalaz.
Elder Sister: Rjsha Dragsugur
A talented artist and mage, Rjsha is Refr's elder by over 150 cycles. At one time, she and her baby brother were somewhat close, but this changed some many years ago without explanation. She bears the Seat of Wunjo.
🌼Great, Great Grandmother: Fidona Dragsugur (Deceased)
If there is something Refr has heard many times in his life thus far, it is his likeness to his late ancestor, Fidona. She was beautiful and well-loved, helpful and loyal to those she cared for until the end of her life. They never met, nor were they ever alive at the same time, which is why it is rumoured that Refr is perhaps a reincarnation of Fidona. Whether this is true or merely wishful thinking, no one knows for certain.
🤍Best Friend: Glinta Dragsugur
Growing up in an isolated place, one might think that Refr has many closely tied friends, but such is not the case. Glinta is the only true friend Refr could call upon until very recently. She is headstrong, cheerful, and optimistic. At one point there were rumours of their engagement, but this turned out to be false. No, Refr and Glinta are simply platonic friends who would still gladly sacrifice all they have for one another's well-being. Their friendship means the world to him.
❄️The Council of Orð
Bearing twenty-four named seats, the Council of Orð is the governing body of Dragsugur. Though there are bloodlines and politics surrounding the monarchy (who do possess some of the seats), the rest of the council are elected by the a combination of other council members and some of the general populace. Refr bears the Seat of Ansuz, the Fourth Chair.
🍂The Gilded Leaf Lodge
Though Refr is a wanderer, the Hidden Pearl Inn & Tavern is one of his few places on rotation. Being a gathering spot for adventurers and travelers, Refr fits in well and revels in the chance to offer his help to anyone who seems like they need it.

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played bya.l.k.
time zoneeastern

General sentiments.
► I am over thirty years old with a full time job; I have a life outside of FFXIV and outside of roleplay. I can not and will not roleplay with you (or anyone) constantly.
► I value open communication, honesty, and kindness. Do not attempt to guilt-trip, manipulate, or any other drama-mongering tactics.
► I am not my character; my character is not me.
► I do not tolerate racism/sexism/ableism in any form.
► I will not roleplay with any player under 18 years of age. I will not RP with any character ICly under 18 years of age. It makes me uncomfortable.
► I prefer the type of roleplay partner that is willing to chat about things OOCly and be casual friends outside of our stories together.
Roleplay style.
I tend to mirror partners by default, but if I am the one setting the precedent I usually lean toward multi-paragraph in Discord RP, maybe 3-5 on average. In game RP posts are usually shorter, few line or small paragraph. I find enjoyment in including some character thoughts in my posts, but I do keep them limited. I am open to combat, injuries, and other changes to my character, but please make sure to ask before anything too drastic. And, obviously, do not kill or permanently maim my character without my permission. I also write my posts from the "attempt" perspective. If my writing partner wishes to deviate from something that I set up in my post, I am perfectly fine with that. Again, OOC communication is key and I value it highly.
A Brief Note on Romance.
Refr wears his heart on his sleeve and has the potential to fall in love as easily as breathing. He's quite sentimental. Though he has a little more experience now than when he first set out from his home, the cleric is still one to crush on someone rather quickly. This does not mean that I, as the player, desire a relationship to happen or need anything to come of it. If there is mutual attraction, sure! Hit me up! OOCly we can discuss it. Otherwise, Refr will continue to experience life as it comes. ♥